Unit 9
for Polina and others
Dear friends,
this test is not only for the pupils who got low marks and want to improve them,
anybody from our group can do it and get a goog mark.
You have to finish the test by 21:00 October 10th (Wednesday),
at this time I'll open the file with the correct answers.Wishes
Dear friends,
this test is not only for the pupils who got low marks and want to improve them,
anybody from our group can do it and get a goog mark.
You have to finish the test by 22:00 April 22nd (Sunday),
at this time I'll open the file with the correct answers.https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApR64T7SBW2EdHV6Z0ZnWjBrOGNwWUJsVFFOelViQkE#gid=0
this test is not only for the pupils who got low marks and want to improve them,
anybody from our group can do it and get a goog mark.
You have to finish the test by 22:00 April 11pm (Wednesday),
at this time I'll open the file with the correct answers.https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApR64T7SBW2EdGhYVWV0OWF2VndWNW1leFVOeTFibnc#gid=0
! Complete the test and press "Готово".
!!!Write your comment in English after the test and other informati (2 - 3 literate sentences) and score additional points.
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